Saturday, October 06, 2007

3 Years

I haven't posted on this blog in almost a year. I don't know if anyone even comes here any more. I guess that's fine. I can use this place as a little sanctuary.

I know is begins to sound redundant to say the same things over and over again but the truth is today still feels surreal. Its been 3 years since my father passed away yet it feels like only moments ago. I truly wish I could post about all the great things going on in my life but honestly there isn't much of that. And its not that its all bad... its just so not where I would like to be at this point.

I long for the days where I would have my friends over to hang in the front room while mom and dad went to Toni and Eddie's to play cards or the countless summer nights down at the boat eating hot sauce with scungiele in it. (is that how you even spell scungiele?!)

I miss the innocence and simplicity that was my life growing up. I miss seeing my mom smile and know it was genuine and true. I miss Toni and Eddie... and I miss my father.

So that's whats new. I miss you dad and I love you.

Always your son,
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