Sunday, June 19, 2005

Happy Fathers day

Dear Dad...

I just wanted to wish you a very special Fathers day. This is your first fathers day in heaven and I hope it is a special one for you. Today you get to spend fathers day with your dad for the first time in I don't know how many years. Please give him a kiss for me. I never got to meet the man who brought you into this world. Please tell both of my grandfathers how much I love them.

I hope that one day soon I will be able to raise a child of my own. You have given me the tools to be a great dad by following your example of what it means to be a man... to be a father. I miss you so much that sometimes it just comes over me and I am bowled over by the sense of loss and sadness. This is the first time in my life that I don't have you here to wish you a happy fathers day. I hope that you can spend some time down here today. I know that you are here often because I can just feel you.

I know I didn't say it enough to you dad... but I love you. I always loved and admired you. I wish it was easy for me to tell you that when you were here but for some reason it wasn't. I just always figured it was understood. I wish I was more open with you about it. I hope that you heard what I told you on that last day as you were slipping away from me. I told you how much I loved you and that I was who I am today because of you. In church I stood in front of all of those people and proclaimed that if I could be even a quarter of the man that you are, that my life would be a success. Every word I have spoken rings true dad and I will always strive to be that man that you can look down on and be proud of. I know I have a long way to go, but with your guidance, I hope to get there.

I love you dad. Happy fathers day in heaven.
Always your son
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