Friday, August 06, 2004

Here comes the weekend...

...And it looks like its going to be a quiet one. Sherry will be gone for the weekend and I will be spending time here trying to keep sane. Yesterday was a real bad day for dad. He had a sour stomach all day and threw up several times. This caused his chest to hurt and he was miserable all day. I hate it when he has bad days. It makes the mood around the house kinda glum... and with good reason. I just hope today is a better one for him. He is still sleeping now because he was up all night. My mom is going to loose it soon for sure.

My brother Mark's car broke down again and yesterday I had to run into NJ to pick him up from the dealership. It is fixed now so I have to bring him to pick it up. More running around for me but its ok... I really don't mind.

I have to call the doctor when I get back because I have been having chest pains for the past 2 weeks! Everyone seems to think its stress related but I am not going to let it go. Better safe than... well... you all know the down side. I lost my friend Sal to a heart attack at the age of 32. I'm not ready to go yet. I will keep you informed.

I'm sorry this post is not quite as long and creative as the others but I have lots to do and not enough time. I know thats not such a unique story... who does? Please feel free to leave comments if you so desire. As it is now, I have no idea if anyone is even reading these posts. Either way, its a good outlet for me but I would like to know if anyone visits.
Have a great weekend everyone...

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Sometimes you have to say "The Hell with it"...

And today is one of those days. Once again I was up until an ungodly hour trying to put a game plan together for today. I figured I would get up nice and early and get shit done that has been neglected for a few weeks. I need to clean the car out because its going bye-bye soon but i didn't get to it because I had to run some errands for mom and dad. Ok... no big deal because i could do it when that was done, right? Wrong. I got back and had to reinstall Microsoft money because the check book is a mess. Got that done, straightened out the finances and was set to begin on the car. Well that got sidetracked because I had to make dad's injection. Thats fine because that is important. Got the injection done and mom gave it to him. After making the injection I realized that we are running dangerously low on dads injection med so I dug around for the number and re-ordered. All is good and it will be here first thing tomorrow. Now as I was getting ready to clean the car out again and dad asked me if I could give him a shave. No problem because he needed it and I would never say no to him anyway. I get through that and realize that I have no blades left for myself so I decide to run to the barber supply store and pick up a straight edge razor for myself. I run and pick it up along with blades, stop at the store for bread and ricotta, and come home. I open the new razor and go to insert a blade to find that the woman behind the counter sold me the wrong damn blades!!! And I need a shave! Ug!!!

So now I figure by the time I go out to the barber supply place and get back again, it will be a bit late to start on the car. As usual, I got plenty of stuff done for everyone else but little done for me. I guess its natural lol.

In retrospect, dad got his shave, his meds were ordered, I saved mom a trip to the store, the banking was taken care of and the car can wait one more day. Dad is feeling OK today and is eating a bit more. His face is smooth now and I know that makes him feel good. I am in the process of downloading a business planning program so that I can begin to look into the feasibility of restarting my shop and Sherry's dad is helping me out with another project I am looking into.

Yeah sometimes you have to say "The Hell with it"... but maybe today was not such a waste afterall...
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