Monday, August 23, 2004

Happy Monday...

Well the weekend came and went and a new week begins. My dad didn't have that bad of a weekend other than some pain in his lower back. Still it was enough to keep him in bed for the past 3 or 4 days. He asked if I would mind doing him a favor by changing some stuff around in his room because he was tired of looking at the same stuff for so long. Of course I did and me and mom spent the morning doing that. Then he asked me to set the vcr up for him. That required me to run to best buy to get a wire. I ran to best buy, waited 20 minutes for them to open, got the wire and then went to the drug store to grab some stuff for him. I got home and set it up for him and then he wanted to watch his tape from when him and mom went to Italy back in 1985. From there I headed off to the city to visit Cindy.

I had not been to Sloan Kettering since my grandmother was there back in the early 90's. I had spent about 3 months going back and forth there every day and when I walked in, it was almost surreal. The place has changed a bit but I knew my way around even after all that time. Cindy was having a rough day. She was in allot of pain and just looked out of it. My heart broke for her. I think she looked worse than she is though. You have to remember that she just had surgery a few days ago and she still has a tube in her to drain off any additional fluid. I really feel that when the tube is removed and she has time to heal some, she is going to feel 100 times better. Still, it is traumatic to see her like that and I know Mr. And Ms. Levine are going through hell. Sherry, God bless her, is holding up ok but this is taking allot out of her. She is afraid and so am I. I wish I could tell her things will be alright but I cant. We can just prey.

My aunt came by last night to visit my dad. I was happy because to be honest, he has been asking where everyone has been. Mark also came by while I was in the city. Its quiet now. Everyone is sleeping and I am going to take a nice shower. Sherry and I are supposed to go grab some breakfast this morning. We can use the alone time and just talk for a while. I hope everyone has a great day and week.
ciao' for now...


Blogger M said...

I hope Cindy and your Dad are feeling much better now.

4:58 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

Thank you for your kind words and support. It means allot to me :)

9:46 AM  

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