Wednesday, August 11, 2004

I am human... I swear!

Well I went to the doctor yesterday because of the nagging chest pains and shortness of breath. After a good examination and an EKG, I was informed that all seemed OK and I need not worry. Apparently my symptoms are most likely stress and anxiety related. There certainly is no lack of stress and anxiety in my life what with my dad being terminally ill and Cindy going through what she is going through. Still though I want to be sure so I asked for a full blood work-up, a chest x-ray and a stress test with EKG. I will make the appointments this week for all of that. I had my former doctor forward my history to my new doctor and she was going through it. She saw no history of any major illness or even a simple cold or flu. She asked me if I had ever had an operation, any alergies... anything at all. The truth is that I have not had a cold or flu in over 4 years and when I do get one, it lasts for 2 days tops. I am not allergic to poison ivy, poison oak, and meds that usually make people sleepy (Ni-Quell) wire me. The doctor said that I have a bullet proof immune system! Sherry always says that I am not human. My blood is red just like yours... I am human. Just maybe a bit more evolved lol!

Dad did OK yesterday. The nurse came and said he looked real good but told him that he needs to get out of bed more. The problem is that his back starts to hurt when he sits in the wheelchair. Still though he got up once just to sit in the living room for 5 minuets. His pain came back and I put him back in his bed. About an hour later he was hungry and wanted to eat in the kitchen so I got him in the wheelchair again and he ate. Twice in one day is impressive and I was very happy. From there I went over to Sherry's to see Cindy. She looks great and she seems to be getting her voice back again. Sherry, Cindy and I hung out and just talked a while. We had a few laughs and things with her seem to be on track. Cindy's husband Andrew and her daughter Malissa are coming in today from Florida. I'm sure Cindy will be so happy to see her. I cant wait to see her too. She has gotten so big!

From there, I kept Sherry company while she gave the dog a bath. I saw that she was squirming some and I know her back has been killing her. After the dog was clean and dry, I offered her a massage. She accepted and so I did. From what I am told, I give a killer massage. That was basically the end of the night. I gave her the massage until she was 3/4 asleep, said good night and came home. I have allot to do today and I am hoping I can get it all accomplished. Wish me luck!

Thats all for now. I hope everyone has/is having a great week so far. Keep a chin up... things have a way of getting better :)


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