Wednesday, February 09, 2005

I may not know much...

... but a few things in this world I know for sure.
1) We all must pay taxes...
2) No workie = No money...
3) Friends come and go but family, for good or bad, are forever...
These things are a given and its common knowledge. Another thing that I do know for sure is that I have faith in my ability to sense greatness in someone which leads me to the whole point of this post... my mother...

If you have been following my little space here on the Internet, you no doubt know what my mom and I have been going through in the past year. It is amazing to think about the strength my mother has shown through all of it. Even when she is down and her tears are her only companion, she manages to surprise and amaze me with her wisdom and sense of whats right and whats wrong.

There are few things in this world that I look upon with awe... One of them is the courage and strength my dad showed in his final days... the other is the courage and strength my mother shows every day. She is a true inspiration and I want the world to know it. I love you, Mom.

I will try to keep up with this blog more than I have been lately. It has been so busy on this end that I have had no time for it. My mom and I are moving on Saturday but once I am all settled in, I promise to update you at least once a week.

Good night, all... and God Bless.


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